I was very lucky to find Ellen Rolli and take part one of her one-day workshops this past November. All she asks of you is to bring many canvases, big brushes, lots of paint. I spent a wonderful day in her bright studio painting with energy and joy. I did five paintings and two of them are much better than other pieces that I worked on for weeks. I am thrilled and excited about painting for the first time in a long time. Ellen reminded me of why I took up painting in the first place.
I cannot wait to get back to my studio and paint every day. It is the best part of my day, no - week. I feel passion for the moving the paint around for getting the light right while tossing blobs of color at other blobs of color. And all of it is accomplished with an eye on making the picture look right.
I have such appreciation for Ellen’s workshop, her teaching and her work. Visit her website and better yet, sign up for a workshop.
Amantha Tsaros, Untitled, Acrylic on Panel, 6x8". © 2010
This painting was one of five pieces completed in Ellen Rolli's workshop.