I have very little on my walls. I usually rotate paintings as my work goes on exhibit or comes back or goes away. It all depends. But there are some pieces that do not leave.
I have some paintings of my own that I do not like to take down and I have some very favorite works. A wonderful piece by
Kathleen Probst. I had to have it when I saw it and it was a race to acquire Rhythm & Hues (see below). She has expanded the series -
check it out.
Paintings from my Flood Series
I may have been the only four year old to have had a wedding present pre-purchased by her mother. My mom fell in love with a painting and she bought it for me because I loved flowers and little critters. She said she would give it to me as a wedding present when I grew up. In the meantime she was happy to hold onto it for me. An excellent strategy when attempting to justify a hefty purchase. Try it someday!
What is on your wall?
My "wedding present".