Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Come to the Art Party!

Please join me for the Artist's Reception for my new exhibit, Fickle Forecasts
Saturday, September 10, 2011 from 2:00-4:30 pm. 
We will have treats and an artsy scavenger hunt.
Amantha Tsaros, Spring to Come, 12x16", (c) 2011
Fickle Forecasts: Landscapes by Amantha Tsaros
September 2-29, 2011
Piper Gallery, Cary Memorial Library
1874 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington MA


  1. Amantha, this is a clever name for a landscape exhibition. It makes me want to be there to see all the different weather moods you have created.

  2. Thank you, Judith! I will be updating my website with more paintings soon. All of the seasons are represented. :)

  3. this is so exciting -- looking forward to seeing those new paintings. :)

  4. Thanks, Betty! It is very exciting around here these days.
